The Clog In Our Potential

Portrait of clever young woman thinking alone

“For You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your
sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich”

2 Corinthians 8:9

Sin clogs our potential. It messes up the plan God has for each of our lives. It takes away the “And they lived happily ever after” and replaces it with “And they struggled but didn’t make it through the day.”

Don’t let that be the last chapter in the book God has written on you. God sent Jesus to die for you, not for Himself. Jesus knows His potential. He doesn’t need to find out what it is. God doesn’t have any problem with His potential. He is omnipotent. The problem is that you don’t know your potential. You have been destroyed by the devil, and sin is stunting your growth.

Jesus came, not to die for Himself, but for you, so you could be reconnected with the Source of Life. For this reason Jesus came into the world—to destroy the works of the devil that are holding you down. Jesus came to uncap your well. He gave His life to restore your relationship with God—to give you abundant, flowing, gushing life.

Sin messes up the plan God has for each of our lives.