The Holy Spirit Connection

White pigeons,dove flying on blue sky

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”

Acts 1:8

When you were born, the cap over your potential was firmly in place. Outside God’s grace you will never know what is buried beneath that cap. Billions of dollars of wealth are buried within you, but you are not aware of it. You’re walking along cool, but you don’t know who you are. You don’t understand that what you see is merely the shadow of your potential.

In His mercy, God has placed within each of us the answer to this dilemma. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God sent the gift of the Holy Spirit. That same Spirit, which we receive at our new birth, provides the connection between our spirits and God’s secret wisdom.

Your capped potential is like a new battery. You came into the world full of the ability to run the whole thing. But you’re just sitting there. Your stored power isn’t being used. Like a battery that needs acidic water inside it before it can really fulfill its purpose, you need something to unleash the potential locked inside you. The Holy Spirit is the key that allows all the dormant power within you to come to life. Without the filling of the Holy Spirit, you can never function to your fullest potential.

The Holy Spirit is the key that allows all the dormant power within you to come to life.