The Knowledge to Bring Change

Red deer stag in morning autumn mist

“But, “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord””

2 Corinthians 10:17

If your spirit doesn’t know any more about you than what it has learned since you got saved, look at how little it knows. Just look at you. Do you know where you would be if you had not been saved?

Now don’t get me wrong. You aren’t perfect yet. Don’t get carried away. You know there is still much that needs to be worked on— many things that need to be refined. But do you know what happens? The more we know about who we are, the more our attitude toward ourselves changes. Isn’t that something? The minute we realize who we are we say, “Wait a minute now. I’m the King’s kid,” and we begin to put on kingly clothes. We think, “I’m a child of God now,” so we start changing our language. We think, “Gosh, man. I’m a prosperous person,” and we start expecting things to happen in our lives. As our knowledge about who we are grows, our lives change.

All this is possible because the Holy Spirit goes to the cap on the well of the wealth of our potential and pries it off. He comes into our lives and goes straight for the things that are clogging us up and dragging us down. Through the power of God, He pulls off that cap and starts to drill.

As our knowledge about who we are grows, our lives change.