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For Disciples Only

“If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be
given you”

John 15:7

Jesus’ words are almost frightening—whatever you wish. God will give you whatever you ask for so long as you remain in Him. What a promise! When you open your life completely to God, the Holy Spirit’s crowbar firmly resists satan’s attempt to recap your well. The wealth of your potential becomes limitless and free. Whatever you imagine will be done, because God won’t allow you to think it unless you can do it. What kind of life are you living? Are you in tune with Christ or are you off doing your own thing? Is there sin clogging up your pipes, preventing you from accomplishing and achieving your maximum ability? Are you constantly hustling, struggling to make your way in the world? If you are, you probably have not become a disciple of the Risen Christ. You see, being a Christian is not enough to fulfill your potential. The word “Christian” was given to us by pagans. Jesus never called us “Christians.” This term was given to the disciples in the early Church by the pagans in Antioch. The Bible calls us “children of God” and “citizens of the Kingdom.” We are God’s offspring, a people who have been reconnected to their Source. Only disciples, those who are committed to abiding in Christ, will maximize their potential.

A disciple is a learner who follows a teacher everywhere he goes. His goal is to learn and keep on learning until he resembles the teacher. Only a disciple experiences full potential. Because his greatest desire is to know and resemble the Master, he spends hours listening to His words. He seeks new visions, revelations and understandings concerning the Master’s life and who He calls His disciples to be.

Adisciple is a learner who follows a teacher everywhere he goes.