“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us”
2 Corinthians 4:7 NKJV
The human body was specifically designed to relate to and pick up the earth or physical realm. God did not intend the body to relate to the spiritual or supernatural world. It is essential, then, that we do not judge our true potential by the abilities or limitations of our physical bodies. For this reason, our five senses are specifically designed to “pick up” our natural environment. Our powers of sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste are all related to the natural, physical world.
The potential of our bodies is therefore governed by its physical capabilities. God never intended man to be controlled or limited by his physical body. You were not created to be intimidated by your environment. No matter how majestic and wonderful the human body is, we must be careful to remember the reality of its composition. According to Genesis 2:7, the Manufacturer of this magnificent masterpiece made and formed it from the “dust of the ground.” The body is 100 percent dirt. The apostle Paul called the body a “[heavenly] treasure in earthen vessels” (2 Corinthians 4:7). The principle we discussed earlier—the potential of a thing is related to its source—must be considered. If the physical body is related to the earth, it must be sustained and maintained by the earth. The body must feed on soil (dirt) in order to live (plants, animals, fish, etc.). We must, therefore, understand that our bodies—though they have tremendous potentials, powers, capabilities and values—must never become the full measure of our potential.
Our bodies must never become the full measure of our potential.