Ten Keys to Releasing Your Potential – Part 1

“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness”

2 Peter 1:3

Here are first five keys to releasing your full potential.

Key #1—You must know (be related to) your Source. The warranty/guarantee agreement is set by the manufacturer if he is to take responsibility for the maximum performance, maintenance, and servicing of the product. The same relationship exists between God and man. God guarantees the maximum performance of our potential if we submit to the conditions, specifications, and standards set by Him. Key#2—You must understand how the product was designed to function.
Every manufacturer designs, develops, and produces his product to function in a specific manner.
God created man and designed him to function like He does— by faith and love. Our potential cannot be released without faith and love. Fear and hatred cause the short-circuit of our potential.
Key #3—You must know your purpose. Every product exists for a specific purpose. God created you and gave you birth for a purpose. Purpose gives birth to responsibility, and responsibility makes demands on potential.
Key #4—You must understand your resources. All manufacturers provide access to the necessary resources for the proper maintenance, sustenance, and operation of their products. God provided for human beings tremendous material and physical resources to sustain and maintain us as we proceed in realizing, developing, and maximizing our potential.

Key #5—You must have the right environment. Environment consists of the conditions that have a direct or indirect effect on the performance, function, and development of a thing. God created everything to flourish within a specific environment. The fall of man contaminated his environment and poisoned the atmosphere of our potential. The key to releasing your true potential is the restoration of God’s original environment. Je – sus came to restore us to the Father. He sent the Holy Spirit to restore our internal environment.

God has established a plan for the maximum performance and release of your potential.