Potential to Bear Fruit

“You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in My name”

John 15:16

The entire creation possesses this principle of potential. Every –
thing has the natural instinct to release its ability. The plant and animal
kingdoms abound with evidences of this fact. The Creator
designed everything with this principle of potential, which can be
simplified to the concept of a seed. The biblical document states that
God created everything with “seed in it according to their kinds”
(Genesis 1:12). In essence, hidden within everything is the potential
to fulfill itself and produce much more than we see.
Please note that when God created the earth and placed man in
the garden, He did not give man a finished product. Although God
knew that man would need food, clothes, shelter, transportation, and
other elements of comfort, He did not make all these things instantly
available. God commanded the man: “Be fruitful, and increase in
number; fill the earth and subdue it” (Genesis 1:28). Each of these
commands is based on the assumption that the ability to be fruitful
and the potential to multiply and replenish and subdue were present
in the man, waiting to be activated, tapped, and released. This command
also implies that fruitfulness (release of hidden life) and multiplication
(reproduction of hidden life) are not dependent on God,
but on the individual who possesses the seed.
You have the ability to accomplish everything your God-given
purpose demands. Your Creator has given you the responsibility of
releasing this precious seed in obedience to His commands. The
releasing of your potential is not up to God but you.
Henry Ford once said, “My best friend is the one who brings out
the best in me.” It is my hope that this book becomes one of your best
friends as it inspires you to strive to release your hidden abilities for
the benefit of the world around you and for your personal fulfillment.

You have the ability to accomplish everything your God-given purpose demands.