A Review of Principles That Govern Potential—Part 1

“How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures”

Psalm 104:24

Before you can begin to grasp the nature and the magnitude of
your potential, you must understand the laws that control all potential.
God set these laws when He tapped His creative abilities to
make visible that which existed but was invisible. The first two chapters
of the Bible tell the story of this unleashing of God’s potential.
I want to give you six basic principles that are fundamental to all
potential. Here are the first two principles:
Principle #1—What God speaks to is the source for what He
An examination of the process God used to create the world re –
veals that everything God created was brought forth by His spoken
word. Whatever God spoke to became the source for the creation
God planned to bring forth. When God wanted plants, He spoke to
the dirt (Genesis 1:11-12). When God wanted animals, He spoke to
the ground (Genesis 1:24-25). When God wanted fish, He spoke to
the waters (Genesis 1:20-21). When God wanted stars, He spoke to
the gases in the heavens (Genesis 1:14-15). Throughout creation,
whatever God spoke to became the source from which the created
thing came, and exactly what God spoke came forth from the substance
to which He spoke.
Principle #2—All things have the same components and
essence as the sources from which they came.
The source to which God spoke during the creative process also
becomes the final home of all He has created. When God’s creations
die, they return to the source from which He took them. Thus, plants
came from the dirt and return to the dirt. Animals also came from
and return to the ground. Fish came from and return to the sea, and
stars came from and return to the gases of the heavens. This is possible
because all things are made of the same stuff from which they
came. If we take apart a plant or an animal and look at its cells beneath a microscope, we discover
that plants and animals are 100 percent dirt. They are composed of dirt because they came from dirt.

R from dirt. ob the
grave of the
potential you carry
within. Release your