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All Clogged Up

Stem education. Girl creating robot at lab

“…made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace
you have been saved “

Ephesians 2:5

Are there things in your life that have been holding you back from the things you should be doing? Are you a potential leader in your community but you’re full of alcohol and you’re lying in the gutter? Has cocaine stolen your potential to be the top student in your class? Is your brain all messed up so you can’t even think any more? Are you in danger of being kicked out of school though you were an A student before you took the stuff? Have you run off witha dumb guy and gotten pregnant? Do you have to drop out of school and give up your visions of becoming a doctor or a lawyer, a scientist or an agricultural expert? Has sin clogged up your potential?

Did you have a business that was going well, with limitless potential, until somebody said to you, “I want you to sell some drugs for me. You’ll make a lot more than you do in this business”? So you became greedy. You went ahead and sold the drugs—only you were caught and now you have a record and your business is destroyed.

Sin clogs our potential. It messes up the plan God has for each of our lives.

Sin clogs our potential.