Be One of the Few

“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received”

Ephesians 4:1

Your Creator and Manufacturer built a store of miracles in you.
He said you have treasures in your earthen vessel. He came to bring
you abundant life. He knows there is explosive power in you waiting
to be released. Through the strength of Jesus Christ you can do anything
you think or imagine—and even more. But not everyone will
hook up with God. Not everyone will look for the things God
planted within them to be used for His glory. Not everyone will
choose to fulfill their potential. Indeed, the number will be few.
Are you in the broad gate where everybody is going nowhere?
Are you one of the many who aren’t going to be anything? Come,
join the narrow gate. Be one of the few. Decide you’re not going with
the crowd. Separate yourself, square your shoulders and do something.
Choose to be somebody, instead of nobody. Leave your footprints
in the sands of history and carry none of your potential to the
Jesus passed judgment when He said, “The message my Father
gave Me is for the world, but only a few will dare to take the challenge
to handle abundant life.” That’s terrible. I wish that none should
perish, but it is only a wish.
Are you a can-do person? Are you brave enough to face the challenge
and take the risk to be effective? Will you dare to believe the
impossible no matter what others say? I hope so. The world desperately
needs some people who will go for the miracles no matter what
it takes. The world needs some people who will believe God for the
potential buried within them—desiring their dreams enough to move
out and act. Only a few will find the kind of potential that allows
them to live from the depths of their hidden ability. But for those
who do, deep wells of possibilities will come to light as God reveals
to them more and more of what He planned before the foundations
of the world.

Join the few. Release the miracles hidden in your thoughts. Dare
to try even after you’ve failed.
Become reconnected to God and
find out who you are and what
you can do. Give your potential a
chance, because God is waiting
to do much more than you can
think or imagine. He loves you.
He wants you to be the beautiful
person He created you to be.

Your Creator and Manu – facturer built a store of miracles in you.