Become Transformed

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit”

2 Corinthians 3:18

For the last two decades, I have devoted myself to understanding,
activating, tapping, and releasing my potential and the potential
of others. An integral part of this devotion was the study and observation
of the lives of some of this world’s leading men and women—
people who have affected their societies positively because they
released and maximized their potential. As a result, I am convinced
that every individual comes into this world with a deposit of potential
that far exceeds any attempt to measure its potency. I also believe
that this potential is viable in spite of the external environment in
which it exists. My studies and experience have also revealed that
this potential must be released by applying specific principles that
are evident in every case in the lives of those people who tapped the
deposit God placed within them. The presence and application of
these principles was visible no matter what ethnic, social, academic,
or economic situation prevailed.
Although I have said that everyone possesses great potential and
the capacity to release this awesome ability, I also believe, with great
sadness, that not everyone will become all the Creator intended them
to be. Too many people are mere products of their environments,
allowing themselves to be victimized by the opinions of others and
the assessments of human analysis. They lack the will to change or
challenge the limitations placed upon them by themselves and others,
and thus fail to take the necessary steps to develop their potential.
I also believe, however, that anyone, of any age, and in any circumstances,
can transform himself if he wants to. You can become
all God designed you to be if you are willing to defy the norm and
dare to believe God’s assessment of your ability. It’s not what you
don’t know that hurts you. It’s what you know that just ain’t so.

One of the greatest tragedies in life is to watch potential die untapped.