Come On—Get Smart!

Dramatic sunrise sky over the Quiraing

“Let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good”

Job 34:4

Satan came to destroy our real intelligence. In the Garden, a strange word is used in the Hebrew to talk about knowing. The Bible says Adam and Eve knew that they were naked (see Genesis 3:7). Knew means they “became physically—or sensually—aware.” Their senses suddenly took on leadership. Thus the soul became alive without the spirit directing it. Man began to live from the outside, instead of the inside. Adam and Eve became aware of their nakedness. They became aware of the leaves that could be used to cover themselves. They became conscious of shame and fear—the things that come from the outside, from the intellect.

Satan destroyed man’s true intelligence, which is a spiritual relationship with God. When we are connected with God, our spirits can know anything. That’s why the knowledge God communicates is not learned. It is discerned. The knowledge of God isn’t found in any book; it’s a deeper knowledge. Your real intelligence is not studied; it is discerned. Wow!

When man lost his relationship with God, he became a victim of education. He began to look to books and movies and the words of others—what he can see, hear, taste, feel, and touch—to gain knowledge. Those things became our sources of information. When satan destroyed our real intelligence, we looked outside ourselves to find knowledge.

Your real intelligence is not studied, it is discerned.