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God’s “Money-Back” Guarantee

Young traveler standing and looking at view of nature

“But the Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin, so that what was
promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe”

Galatians 3:22

The potential of a thing is determined by the demands placed upon it by the creator. This is the most amazing thing I have ever discovered about potential. The potential of a thing is determined by the demands made on it by the one who made it. A creator will not call forth from his creation something he did not put into it.

Whenever God demands something of you, don’t ask whether you can do it. When you pick up the Bible and read that you can do anything if you believe, don’t argue that you can’t. God believes (in fact He knows) that whatever you believe hard enough, strong enough, and committed enough can come out of you because He put it in you. Your potential, like that of any other creation, is determined by the demands of your Creator.

God also graciously offers you a “Money-Back Guarantee.” When you buy an appliance, a manual usually comes with it that says: “Read this before you hook it up.” It also says: “You’ve just purchased a television that can do XYZ.” You’ve never seen the television do that before, but the manual says it can and will because the manufacturer made it possible for it to do it. At the end of the manual, there is usually a little phrase that says: “If there is any defect, return the merchandise to the manufacturer for a free replacement.” The manufacturer is guaranteeing the potential of the thing.

God mercifully says to you, “If there are any defects, return to the Manufacturer.” Isn’t that a blessing? If you aren’t working out, take your stuff back to the Chief. The Chief will work it out. “Come unto Me,” God says. “I’m the only one who can fix you.” God already has guaranteed what you can do.

God already has guaranteed what you can do.