I Am the True Vine

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener”

John 15:1

As a plant cannot fulfill its potential without being in relationship with the soil, so you cannot fulfill your true potential without being related to God. Thus Jesus says in the Book of John: “I am the true vine” (John 15:1). Jesus calls Himself the true vine because there are a lot of other vines around to get hooked into: education, philosophy, science, even religion.

The word vine here literally means “source of life.” Like the grape vine for its branches, Jesus is our Source of life. If you depend on education, all you are going to have is what education can offer— an intellectual stimulation. No matter how many degrees you get, you are living below your potential because you are feeding on a false vine. You will never know your true information capacity if you are stuck on education. There are people who have been out of school for 50 years who don’t know any more now than they knew when they were in school. Jesus says, “I am the True Vine.” By this statement He implies that there are vines or sources that are not genuine.

The potential of the branches and the vine needs the attention of the gardener. The gardener works in the vineyard trying to bring as much life as possible out of the vines. Often he prunes the vines because he knows there is more life down in the roots. Since he is aware that he isn’t getting the full capacity of the vine, he begins to clip some of the branches. Cutting off the old leaves that stop the vine from producing its full potential, the gardener starts to clean up the vine. Are there some old leaves in your life that have been hanging around for five, ten or fifteen years? Do you need to quit a habit or two so your life more truly reflects the potential of the One who made you? Are you wasting time planning, setting up, committing and feeling guilty about sin? How many hours in a day are you losing to disobedience and rebellion? Prune your life through discipline and obedience to God, who desires your potential to be maximized. Remember, all God’s commands and laws are given to maximize your performance and free your potential.

You’re not measuring up to the Source from which you came.