“Your statutes are my delight; they are my counselors”
Psalm 119:24
Potential is only as good as it is released into this world. There
are six keys to releasing our potential. The first key from yesterday
was: You must know your Source.
Key#2—You must understand how you were designed to function.
Every manufacturer designs his product with certain features
and specifications. Then he gives you an instruction book that clarifies
the definitions of the features so you can become familiar with
both the parts of the equipment and their functions. Thus, a car manufacturer
describes in the manual how the engine, the brakes, the
windshield wipers, etc. are supposed to operate, because he knows
that you will not get optimum performance from the car unless you
understand how the various parts of the car were intended to work.
God designed you with intricate features and capabilities. If you
fail to learn from God how you were designed to function, you are on
your way to short-circuiting. You will never release your potential
unless you learn to function by faith according to God’s specification
To release
your potential,
learn to function
by faith according to
God’s specifications.