Keys to Maximizing Your Potential—Part 4

“What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means!
Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you
are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to
death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? But thanks be to God that,
though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to
which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to

Romans 6:15-18

I hope you are encouraged to operate in the principles that will
maximize your potential. Review the first three keys that we have
shared to refresh your memory.
Key #1—You must cultivate your potential.
Key #2—You must guard your potential.
Key #3—You must share your potential.
Here is the last of the four keys to encouraging your garden to
maturity as you liberate all the potential that God deposited in you.
Key #4—You must know and understand the laws of limitation.
Every experienced gardener knows that there are numerous laws
that affect the success or failure of a garden. Tender plants wilt in the
hot sun when they are planted at noon. Inferior fruit or no fruit
results when the plants are not watered regularly. Plants left to the
mercy of the weeds yield a lesser crop than those that grow in a
weed-free environment. While the gardener is free to ignore those
laws, he does not have the power to remove the consequences of his
The same is true for your potential. God has given you the freedom
and the power to maximize your potential. He has established
laws and commandments to protect your potential, and He has given
you the freedom to choose either to obey or disobey them. God has
also granted you the power to dream and plan and imagine, along
with the responsibility to work those imaginations to fruition.
Freedom without law results in purposelessness. Power without
responsibility is ineffective. Each requires the other to forestall disaster.
The outworking of your
full potential requires that you
understand and abide by the laws
and the standards God has set to
ensure the full and maximum
release of your potential.
God has established laws and
commandments to protect your
potential, and He has given you
the freedom to choose either to
obey or disobey them.

God has established laws and commandments to protect your potential, and He has given you the freedom to choose either to obey or disobey them.