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Revealing Your Potential

“Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out!”

Romans 11:33

In the great depth of God’s wisdom and knowledge, He has
carved a path for your potential.
Everything in creation was designed to function on the simple
principle of receiving and releasing. Life depends on this principle.
What if the plants refused to release the oxygen they possess or if we
human beings refused to release the carbon dioxide we produce? The
result would be chaos and death for the entire planet. Unreleased
potential is not only useless, it is dangerous—both for the person or
thing who failed to release it and for everything that lives with them.
Building potential into a product does not necessarily mean that
potential will be revealed. Many of us have appliances in our homes
that are capable of much more than we require of them. Perhaps you
use your oven to bake but not broil because you don’t know how to
use the broiler. Or maybe you have a vacuum cleaner that has the
ability to clean up water as well as dirt, but you haven’t used that feature
because you aren’t aware that the manufacturer built that capability
into the machine.
God has built many abilities into men and women. Too often,
however, we fail to use that potential because we don’t understand
either the magnitude of our capabilities or the requirements that are
necessary to unleash our power. In the following days, I will outline
the keys to the effective release of the wealth of your potential.

The purpose of
a thing cannot
be known by
asking anyone other
than the designer or
the manufacturer.