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The Work of Creation Is Not Yet Complete

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What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing
new under the sun”

Ecclesiastes 1:9

The work of God is not complete—He has not delivered all His babies. He will keep on delivering as long as you deliver, because you are the continuation of His deliveries. God can still create. When you ask for something in prayer, God doesn’t have to shift things around because He is going broke. If it doesn’t exist in a visibleform, God will speak it. He’ll make whatever is necessary. He continues to be pregnant with many things.

Because all things are in God, you can ask God for anything. An idea is around in God a long time before it comes out. Nothing we think or do is new (see Ecclesiastes 1:9). Everything that has been done will be done again—what we think is new has already been here for a long time.

There’s a guy in China right now who is thinking about the idea you thought was yours. When the idea came out of God, many people got it. Because everything comes out of God, you all received the idea from the same Source. Until that idea is transformed by action, God will continue to leak that idea into men and women. Why? Because God is a God of potential. Although He is the source of all things, He shares His omnipotent powers with His creation. We, like God, are pregnant with many things. We are full of imagination, having the potential power to be more than we visibly are. There are dreams, visions, plans and ideas in us that need to be released. God wants us to tap His power and use it, because God made us with potential.

Nothing we think or do is new.