“For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring Word of God”
1 Peter 1:23
Potential is…
…unexposed ability…reserved power…untapped strength…
capped capabilities…unused success…dormant gifts…hidden talents…
latent power.
…what you can do that you haven’t yet done…where you can go
that you haven’t yet gone…who you can be that you haven’t yet
been…what you can imagine that you haven’t yet imagined.
…how far you can reach that you haven’t yet reached…what you
can see that you haven’t yet seen…what you can accomplish that you
haven’t yet accomplished.
Thus, potential is the sum of who you are that you have yet to
reveal. It’s a deposit that waits to be released and maximized. You are
capable of much more than you are presently thinking, imagining,
doing, or being. That is your potential. Unless you continually try to
reach higher, go farther, see over, and grasp something greater than
you now know, you will never discover your full potential.
If, for example, I hold an apple seed in my hand, I hold much more
than one seed. In every seed there is a tree, and in every tree there are
apples with seeds in them. And the seeds contain more apple trees that
contain fruit that contain seeds and so on. In fact I hold one apple seed.
In truth I hold an entire orchard. That is potential—what yet can be.
God created everything with potential. Genesis 1:12 describes
how God created the plants and the trees, each “bearing seed
according to their kinds.” Each possessed the capability to be much
more than they appeared to be at any one time. Each contained the
seed from which future generations of plants, birds, fish and animals
would come.
God also planted within you the ability to be much more than
you are at any one moment. Like the apple seed, you possess hidden
resources and capabilities. Most of the potential God gave you at
birth still remains within you,
unseen and unused. What I see
when I meet you on any given day is not all you are.
You are capa- day is not all you are.
ble of much
more that you are
presently thinking,
imagining, doing,
or being.