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What Is Wisdom?

Barred Hoot Owl sitting in a dead tree in the forest on frosty winter day. magical wise wisdom

“Hear this, you foolish and senseless people, who have eyes but do not see, who have ears
but do not hear.”

Jeremiah 5:21

In First Corinthians, Paul scoffs: “Where are you, those who think you are wise? Is not your wisdom just so much foolishness?” Attacking the supposed wisdom of the world, the apostle declares that it is foolishness. God, in His wisdom, has made the wisdom of the world to be just so much folly (see 1 Corinthians 1:20).

God considers foolishness any wisdom that does not fulfill its original purpose. So if you are wise and you can really figure things out, but you use it to steal, God says, “You are foolish.” If you are a very skillful musician, but you use it to create lewdness and sensuality, and to cause people to go into perversion, then God calls that foolishness. If you know that the power you have to believe was given to you by God, but you prefer to believe there is no God, God calls you a fool. For when you use the belief God has given to you to say you don’t believe in Him, your wisdom becomes foolishness. The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” He takes the ability God gave him to believe and uses that belief power to not believe in God. God says, “That’s foolishness!”

God considers foolishness any wisdom that does not fulfill its original purpose.