“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well”
Matthew 6:33
I have met so many people who have everything except the knowledge of who they are. Jesus said, “Why worry about these things? Life is so much more than these things about which you worry. Life is peace and love and joy and patience and gentleness…” Seek first the things of God and everything else you need will just fall into place. The mind controlled by the Spirit of God is full of life and peace. Peace is so important to a fulfilled life. It goes hand in hand with the life Jesus came to bring. You don’t have to worry when you know what is coming. When you live by the Spirit in the realm of the unseen and the invisible, there is no reason to worry. God is holding what is in store for you, because all things that are, were and are in God.
If you’ll let Him, God will work it all out for you. Through your spirit talking with His Spirit, He’ll assure you everything is going to be OK. You don’t have to worry if God’s already told you how a particular situation is going to turn out. Relax and commit yourself to maximize your potential. Preoccupy yourself with this assignment and purpose for your life, knowing that whatever God asks for He provides for. When we are distracted by our drive for personal security and our search for identity, we rarely achieve our true potential. We are so caught up trying to make it through life that we don’t have time to be in life.
You came out of God. He created you to look and think and act like Him so you would display His greatness, majesty and sovereignty. The summit of God’s desires for your life is that you will show through your being who He is. Your potential is not determined by what you look like or how far you went in school. Nor is it determined by what others think and expect from you. God, your Creator, determines the extent of your ability. Through the Holy Spirit, He enables you to develop and experience your entire potential. God makes it possible for you to do and be much more than anyone (including you) expects. You may not look smart, but if the One who made you demands smartness from you, it’s in there somewhere.
You don’t need things to enjoy life—you need life to enjoy things.