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Who You Really Are

Traveller explore rugged landscape of iceland

…until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become
mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ”

Ephesians 4:13

We humans on earth, with all our fallibilities and weaknesses— God pronounces on us: “You are the Body of Christ.”

In other words, Christ is in us somewhere. Christ is in me. Christ is in you. God knows He is there. His image is there. So God called us Christ.

If we go to God and say, “God, please introduce me to your people,” God will say, “Sure. Here is Christ.” But we’ll say, “No. No. No. I want to meet Christ,” to which God will reply, “Sure. Here’s Christ” as He shows us the Church. When we want to meet Christ, God will show us the Church. But we can’t accept this because we think Christ is in Heaven. No, He isn’t. Jesus is in Heaven. Christ is sitting in your clothes, living in the body of the believer. Christ is the essence of God—He’s God Himself.

God intended for you to be created in His image. Although you may say, “I want to be like Jesus,” God says, “There’s something deeper.” You were lost and Jesus came to bring you back. God sent Jesus so you could see yourself.

God already knows who He is—He doesn’t need your praise to make Him feel like God. God doesn’t need you to tell Him how great He is—He knew it before you ever thought of praising Him. God wants you to know who you are—who you were supposed to look like. He’s after the real person buried under the cap of your sin. Your IQ doesn’t measure who you are, God does. Your true IQ is spelled H-O-L-Y S-P-I-R-I-T, because you have what God is.

Christ is in you. That’s who you are.