“God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth
and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground””
Genesis 1:28
No one needs to be ruled by cocaine or marijuana. Nobody needs to be the victim of alcohol and money. They are all but leaves from the trees that we are supposed to be dominating. The only way to escape these and other dominating habits is to understand your purpose for being. God did not create you to be dominated by sex or chemicals. He did not create you to be controlled by anything. He created you so you could control the earth.
You are so much more than others expect from you. You are so much more than you expect from yourself. God calls us sanctified— that means special. God calls us elite—that means cream of the crop. And what God calls you He sees in you. God’s not trying to conjure up things when He affirms who you are. He already sees them in you.
God looks under all the junk and says what He sees. He says: “You are pure. You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.” He looks beneath our unrighteous behavior and sees righteousness. He sees it and calls it out. He’ll keep calling it out until it reaches the surface. God’s not trying to make you into something. He’s trying to expose the real you He already sees. While you are walking around trying to be good and righteous, God says, “You already are righteous.”
When you wake up tomorrow morning, stretch, look in the mirror and say: “You successful thing you.” That’s what God sees. No matter what kind of bum day is planned for you, you can decide in the morning that it’s going to be a successful one. Why? Because this is the day the Lord has made. If you believe, it is possible the day will be good. It is possible to rejoice every day if you believe God has made it. Go ahead. Stretch. Look at the success that is just waiting to happen.
God’s not trying to make you into something. He’s trying to expose the real you.