“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed”
Proverbs 16:3
Everything in life was created with potential and possesses the potential principle. In every seed there is a tree…in every bird a flock…in every fish a school…in every sheep a flock…in every cow a herd…in every boy a man…in every girl a woman…in every nation a generation. Tragedy strikes when a tree dies in a seed, a man in a boy, a woman in a girl, an idea in a mind. For untold millions, visions die unseen, songs die unsung, plans die unexecuted and futures die buried in the past. The problems of our world go unanswered because potential remains buried.
By destroying our relationship with God, satan capped off our life potential. He continually destroys any possibility that we might become more than we already are: He puts teachers in our classrooms to call us stupid. He sends brothers and sisters to call us dumb and “no good.” He gives us parents who tell us, “You’ll never be anything.”
Satan sets us up. He anoints your mother to call you a bastard. He sets her up to cap off what you are. Satan chops up your selfconfidence and slams the door on your potential by convincing you that you are nothing: “You’ll never rise above your family’s status. You’ll never go beyond where your neighborhood took you. You’ll never be any more than your mom and your pa. You don’t stand a chance.” The devil has been teaching and preaching that to keep us down. He is very skilled at this deceptive art.
By destroying our relationship with God, satan capped off our life potential.